Return to school guidelines
Guidelines for the Safe Return of CWSM Students
We wish to ensure a safe learning environment for all our students, staff and stakeholders and we thank you for your cooperation with these guidelines.
- All those entering the building should stop and use the hand sanitiser in the entrance area.
- If you are a visitor, please ensure that you sign the contact tracing log on the right hand side of the entrance.
- All those entering the building over 13 years of age should wear face coverings while in the public areas of the building.
- There will be no waiting areas available. Students should be dropped to lessons and parents or guardians should leave the premises and collect students immediately following lessons. If parents have agreed with your child’s teacher to attend their lesson, a face covering should be worn.
- There is to be no waiting in the corridor area.
- Only one parent or guardian should bring their child to their lesson and where possible no siblings should be in the building, unless also attending a lesson.
- All classrooms have been measured to ensure social distancing of at least one meter is possible. Teachers will wear face coverings or visors. Students may do so if they wish although public health guidelines does not currently recommend the wearing of face coverings for primary aged children.
- We encourage all children to thoroughly wash their hands immediately before and after each lesson and practice good respiratory hygiene such as using a tissue or crook of their elbow to cough or sneeze. There will be relevant age appropriate signage regarding this throughout the building.
- Each teacher will have sanitising products to clean pianos with after each lesson. All rooms will be ventilated between lessons and high frequency touch points will be cleaned each day.
- If you require to speak with the office we would request you do so by phone rather than in person. Alternatively you may make an appointment with the office if absolutely necessary. You can email cwsmwexford@gmail.com to make appointments.
- If your child should become unwell during their lesson, their teacher will contact either David or Olive, depending on the day, who will bring your child safely to the isolation room, which is room 9, and the parent or guardian will be contacted by mobile phone immediately. Please ensure the Office has the most up to date contact details for you. Please email cwsmwexford@gmail.com with any updates.
- If you or a member of your household, or childminder, have travelled to a country outside the Government Green List, you may not attend CWSM for a period of 14 days on returning to Ireland. The teacher can conduct a class online at the usual time in the case of one-to-one lessons, if notification of at least 24 hours is given.
- If your child is unwell or has a temperature or a member of your household is awaiting Covid-19 test results, please do not attend CWSM and notify the office. The teacher can conduct a class via Zoom at the usual time, in the case of one-to-one lessons, if notification of at least 24 hours is given.
Specifics for instruments
In order to maintain social distancing of 2 meters between teachers and student, we will provide teachers with a small keyboard for demonstrations. Masks should be worn if over 13, however if it’s too uncomfortable as long as you maintain social distancing and wash your hands and wipe touched surfaces after every lesson you should be fine.
Students should wear masks but some may have good reasons not to so please be vigilant in keeping social distancing. Parents ideally should have the instrument tuned and students have their own pencil. Rooms will have measured zones for teacher and student.
Singing and Wind
Singing students are asked to wear visors ideally throughout the lesson. We have also placed screens for students to stand behind as a further precaution. Larger rooms in CWSM have been prioritised for singing and wind teachers.
Students will be asked to bring their own sticks and brushes (if they have brushes), headphones and pencil.
Missed lessons
Missed lesson plans if staff (or their families) have symptoms of the virus and have to self-isolate, in the past many of us would come in even if sick and not want to let down our students or worry about cancelling lessons, but this time that positive attitude has to change to being considerate to all by teaching online, if they feel up to it.
If a student is self-isolating and we are given 24 hour notice we should do our best to conduct an online lesson at the same designated time if possible
Olive Thorpe is the lead worker representatives LWRs.
Please contact them on 087 944 3248
Registered in Ireland Number :462548 CHY:19037 © 2023
Tel mobile: 087 944 3248 / email: cwsmwexford@gmail.com