About Wexford School of Music
County Wexford School of Music (CWSM) provides a high standard of music tuition in County Wexford. It encourages students to pursue their personal best and gain excellent life skills through music education. The school and the County Wexford Youth Orchestra (CWYO) were founded in 1980 by London musician Alan Cutts and Eileen Herlihy, vice principal of a local secondary school. It has many distinguished alumni including Fintan Cleary, Rosaleen Molloy, Aileen Mythen, Aine Whelan, Deirdre Masterson, Roisin Dempsey, Therese Canavan, Helen McGrath, Brigid Nolan and more. A not for profit organisation, it is managed on a day-to-day basis by the School Administrator, Olive Thorpe.
Music Courses and Exams
Individual, group and preparatory lessons are available with access to exams by ABRSM, RIAM and The RockSchool.
Individual Lessons
Piano, Strings, Voice, Percussion & Wind
Individual lessons are available in the following: Piano (classical, jazz), Guitar (classical), Recorder, Flute, Saxophone, Clarinet, Trumpet, Violin, Viola, Cello, Voice (classical, music theatre), Drums (rock, jazz), and Orchestral Percussion.
Group Lessons
Music Makers, Singing, Orchestras and more
There are several group classes available including Music Makers (an introductory to music course for 5 - 8 year olds), Glee Club, Singing Club, Adult Singing, Jazz Ensembles, Orchestras and more. Group lessons are also available if two students are willing to start together in many instruments.
Jazz Tracker
Preparatory Jazz courses
The Jazz Tracker is tailored to prepare students to gain access to a third level degree course. The course was written by Kevin Lawlor (BAJP), Director of Jazz at CWSM, and Patrick Molitor, Jazz Theory and Jazz Piano tutor at CWSM. Students learn the necessary skills to help them to gain access to a third level degree course. Read more...
The school provides access to exams by the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM), Royal Irish Academy of Music (RIAM), and The Rockschool (UK). Exams are held in the school pre-Christmas and in May. Arrangements can be made for exams to be taken outside these times in alternative venues if necessary.
"To study music, we must learn the rules. To create music, we must break them."
Nadia Boulanger
Our Staff
Our highly trained staff are fully qualified and committed to offering a high standard of tuition in a student friendly environment. We promote practice and performance while encouraging each student to reach their own potential. All staff have been vetted for Garda clearance and conform with our child policy protection guidelines.
Ruth Gallagher, B. Mus (Hons), MA (Hons)
Clodagh Kinsella
MA (hons) BA.Mus(hons)
Stephanie Kinsella
B.Mus (Hons) RIAM
Norah O'Leary
BA Mus Perf, LRIAM
M Mus Sibelius Academy Helsinki
Louise Malone G.T.C.L. L.T.C.L.
Patrick Molitor, Piano
ALCM, LLCM Jazz Piano Performance
Regina Lautwein, Cologne Uni of Music Dip
Violin, Viola, Director of Swingin' Strings performance group
Norah O'Leary
BA Mus Perf, LRIAM
M Mus Sibelius Academy Helsinki
Emer Collins, B. Mus (Cork)
Violin, Conductor for CWSM Junior Orchestra
Clodagh Kinsella
MA (Hons) BA.Mus(Hons)
Patrick Brunnock
Classical Guitar
M Mus Perf
Ruth Gallagher, B. Mus (Hons), MA (Hons)
Voice, Music Makers
Clodagh Kinsella
MA, BA Mus (Hons) RIAM
Melanie O'Reilly.
BA.Arts (Guildhall School of Music & Drama)
Certificate Voice Royal Academy of Music London./Guildhall School of Music Jazz Voice Training
Stephanie Kinsella
B.Mus (Hons) RIAM
Kevin Lawlor, BA Jazz Performance, LGSM
Drums, Percussion, Director of Jazz Combos
Geraldine Mahon A.R.I.A.M.
Flute, Saxophone, Bassoon, Clarinet, Recorder
Louise Malone G.T.C.L. L.T.C.L.
Flute, Saxophone, Clarinet
Accepting enrolments now
CWSM offers a high standard of instrumental and vocal tuition. Students can also be prepared for performances in competition and concert. Enrolment forms can be downloaded here and sent to the main office.
Get in touch
Office hours are 3.30-6pm, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Or by appointment on other days.Tel mobile: 087 944 3248 / email: cwsmwexford@gmail.com Leave a message below and we'll be delighted get back to you!
You can also download the school calender here.
Find Us
Lessons are taught from the Redmond House, St. Peter's College Campus, Summerhill Wexford Y35XFN8
Registered in Ireland Number :462548 CHY:19037 © 2023
Tel mobile: 087 944 3248 / email: cwsmwexford@gmail.com